The Bulgarian Development Agency (BDA) is a non-profit association undertaking activities for public benefit, established in Sofia, Bulgaria. The association aims to contribute to the regional development as well as to promote the democratic and integration processes in the context of a Knowledge Society. It is to be achieved through elaboration, localization and transfer of innovative training and education products, materials and methodologies; analysis, transfer and dissemination of best practices; establishment and promotion of centres of excellence, establishment and popularization of VET networks; digital skills and digital footprint for young and adults.
Research and dissemination are two of the key BDA competences, along with training, VET and other education activities. Through the years BDA has collaborated in several projects, involving VET for entrepreneurs such as “Digital Technologies for entrepreneurs” (2013) under Leonardo da Vinci, Y.U.S.S. (Youth unemployment through soft skills) (2011) under Leonardo da Vinci, and The European House for Entrepreneurs (2010) under Leonardo da Vinci.