”Lieporiu mokyklos bendruomene”The Association Lieporiu mokyklos bendruomene (Lieporiu School Community) is a school-based institution which unites about 100 parents, teachers and students.
It sees its mission in its strategy – creating an open- to-changes and continuously learning community. To reach this goal, informal teaching has been carried out to provide its members an opportunity to update their knowledge in ICT and foreign language use as basic skills which are of great demand in today’s society. Cultural and creative activities as a form of social inclusion of its members into community life both for personal or recreational purposes have been organized and appeared to be quite an effective way of helping people to get involved into a learning environment. Strong community is seen as an efficient tool to deal with the challenges that current education system reform and demographic situation in the country overall brings about.
The possibility to participate in the current transnational project is seen as an effective opportunity to give the community a chance to cooperate with similar institutions around Europe and gain valuable experience in digital communication, sciences and technology, on software, programmes on safe virtual reality, from more experienced partners as regards effective strategies and approaches used to enhance learning for life as much as European values.